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Words Starting with S
  1. Sabotage (तोड़फोड़) Intentional damage to arrest production  

  2. Sacrilege (अपवित्रीकरण)  : Violation of something holy or sacred  

  3. Samaritan ( मुसीबत में मदद करने वाला)  : A person who helps even a stranger in difficulty 

  4. Sanatorium (सेहतगाह) A place of good climate for invalids 

  5. Sanctuary (अभ्यारण्य) A reserve for animals, birds etc. in their natural habitat  

  6. Satire (हास्य व्यंग्य) Full of criticism or mockery 

  7. Sceptic (संदेहवादी) One who is always doubting  

  8. Scintillating (जुटाकर) A vivacious and lively experience is said to be 

  9. Scurrilous (मिथ्या) Severely abusive writing in journals 

  10. Secular (धर्म निरपेक्ष) A place where all religions are honoured 

  11. Sedative (शांतिकर औषधी, शामक औषधि) A drug or other substance that induce sleep 

  12. Sedulous (परिश्रमी) Hard working and diligent 

  13. Seminar (सेमिनार) That which is arranged by conferring or discussing 

  14. Septuagenarian (सत्तर वर्ष की अवस्था का मनुष्य) A person who is in his seventies  

  15. Sericulture (रेशम के कीड़ों का पालन) The production of raw silk 

  16. Sever (काटकर अलग करना) To cut something into two pieces 

  17. Shoal ( मछलियों का समुदाय, छिछला हो जाना ) : A large number of fish swimming together 

  18. Shrapnel (गंजगोला,बम का टुकड़ा) Small pieces of metal that fly out from an exploding bomb 

  19. Simile (उपमा) A figure of speech by which a thing is spoken of as being that which it only resembles  

  20. Sinecure (ऐसा पद जिस में वेतन मिले परन्तु कुछ काम न करना पड़े)  : A post with little work but high salary 

  21. Snob (मोची का नौकर) One who tends to patronize, rebuff or ignore people regarded as social inferiors and imitate, admire people regarded as social superiors 

  22. Sojourn (डेरा डालना, अस्थाई निवास) A brief or a short stay at a place 

  23. Soliloquy (आत्मभाषण) The act of speaking about one’s thoughts when one is alone 

  24. Somnambulism (नींद में चलना)  : Walking in sleep  

  25. –Sonnet (गाथा, चतुर्दशपदी)  : A poem of fourteen lines  

  26. Soporific (निँदासा) Drug which cause people to sleep early 

  27. Sororicide : Killing one’s sister 

  28. Souvenir (यादगार,निशानी) : Something kept as a reminder of an event 

  29. Specimen (नमूना) : An object or portion serving as a sample 

  30. Speleology (कंदरों का अध्ययन करनेवाली विद्या) Study of caves 

  31. Spokesman (प्रवक्ता) One who speaks for others 

  32. Sporadic (छिटपुट) Occurring at irregular intervals in time 

  33. Statue (प्रतिमा) Written law of a legislative body 

  34. Stoic (उदासीन, आत्मसंयमी)   : One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain  

  35. Stoicism (वैराग्य)  : Calmness and indifference to suffering  

  36. Stowaway (बेटिकट यात्री) : One hides away in a ship or passenger vehicle to obtain a free passage  

  37. Subservient (अधीन) Too willing to obey other people 

  38. Succulent (रसीला) Having juicy or fleshy and thick tissue 

  39. Superlative (अतिशयोक्ति,उत्तमावस्था) Of the highest degree 

  40. Surreptitious (छल से किया हुआ, गुप्त, चुराया, जाली) Stealthily done (something done in a quiet and secret way in order to avoid being noticed)  

  41. Syllable (शब्दांश) A part of a word that can be pronounced separately  

  42. Symbiosis ( सहजीवन) To put two and two together 

  43. Synagogue (आराधनालय) A place where Jews worship according to their religion 

  44. Synonyms (समानार्थक शब्द) Words of similar meaning 

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