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Words Starting with R
  1. Radiation (विकिरण) Emission of light or heat from a central point 

  2. Rancid (बासी) Having a stale smell or taste  

  3. Ransom (फिरौती) Amount of money demanded by kidnappers 

  4. Recant (अपने को वंचित करना, मुकरना, त्यागना) To take back, withdraw or renounce 

  5. Reciprocate (विनिमय करना, लेनादेना) Give and receive mutually 

  6. Recluse (वैरागी, संन्यासी)  : A person who withdraws from world to live in seclusion and often in solitude  

  7. Redtapism (लालफीताशाही)  : A process involving too much official formalities 

  8. Referendum (जनमत संग्रह)  : The practice of submitting a proposal to popular vote 

  9. Reflex (पलटा हुआ, प्रतिबिंब) An involuntary action under a stimulus is described as a 

  10. Regicide (राजहत्या) The act of killing a king 

  11. Reminisced ( याद दिलाना, स्मरण करना) Brought back to mind 

  12. Rendition (प्रतिपादन) Artistic, musical or dramatic interpretation  

  13. Renegade (पाखण्डी, अपना पक्ष त्याग देना) One who deserts his principle or believes 

  14. Renovate (अच्छी अवस्था में लाना) Act of making things new like before  

  15. Repatriate (अपने देश को लौट आना) Send or bring somebody back to his own country 

  16. Reprieve (दण्डविराम) Providing relief 

  17. Respiration (श्वसन) The process by which plants and animals breathe  

  18. Reveille (जागरण संकेत) : Military waking up signals in the morning 

  19. Revel (ऐश इशरत, धूमधाम की दावत) Take great pleasure 

  20. Rhetoric (वक्रपटुता) Meaningless language with an exaggerated style intended to impress  

  21. Rhinologist  : A doctor who specializes in diseases of the nose 

  22. Richter  : Scale used for measuring the strength of an earthquake 

  23. Rites (संस्कार) Solemn religious acts 

  24. Rotunda ( गोलाकार भवन) Circular building or hall with a dome  

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