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Words Starting with O
  1. Oasis (मरुस्थल के बीच हरित भूमि) A shady fertile place in a desert 

  2. Obituary (शोक सन्देश) A notice of a person’s death  

  3. Observatory (बेधशाला) A place where astronomical observations are made  

  4. Obsolescent (अप्रचलित) Passing out of use 

  5. Obsolete (अप्रचलित)   : A word or practice that has gone out of use 

  6. Occidental (पाश्चात्य, पच्छमवासी)  : Relating to countries of west  

  7. Octagon (अष्टकोना) A geo metrical figure with eight sides 

  8. Octogenarian (अस्सी साल का बुढ़ा) One who is eighty years old  

  9. Oculist (नेत्रविशेषज्ञ) A person who attends to the disease of the eye is an 

  10. Oligarchy (कुलीनतंत्र)  : Government by the few 

  11. Omnipotent (सर्वशक्तिमान) One who is all powerful  

  12. Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)  : One who knows everything 

  13. Omnivorous (सर्वभक्षक)  : One who eats both vegetables and meat  

  14. Opaque (अपारदर्शी, अपारदार्शक, न झिल्लड़)  : Through which light cannot pass  

  15. Opinionated (स्वच्छंद) To be dogmatic in one’s opinion 

  16. Opthalmologist (नेत्र चिकित्सक) : A doctor who specializes in the eye diseases of the eyes 

  17. Optimist (आशावादी) : A person who is always hopeful and looks upon the brighter side of things   

  18. Optometrist (नेत्रदृष्टि की जाँच करने वाला वाला व्यक्ति) : A specialist who tests eyesight 

  19. Orator (वक्ता) : A proficient public speaker  

  20. Orchestra (वादक समूह) : A large body of people playing musical instruments 

  21. Ornithologist (पक्षी विज्ञानी) : Someone who scientifically studies the birds 

  22. Ornithology (पक्षीविज्ञान)  : Experts in the scientific study of birds 

  23. Orphanage (अनाथालय) : A public institution for the care and protection of children without parents – 

  24. Orthopaedics (हड्डी रोग) : The area of medicine that treats illness of bones 

  25. Outlaw (डाकू) A person who has lost protection of law 

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