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Words Starting with M
  1. Maiden (प्रथम) : The first speech made by a person 

  2. Maiden speech (प्रथम भाषण)  : The first public speech delivered by a person 

  3. Malleable (लचीला) Easy to shape in any desired from 

  4. Mammals (स्तनधारी) Animals which suckle their young 

  5. Manifesto (घोषणापत्र) A written declaration of government or a political party 

  6. Manoeuvre (पैंतरेबाज़ी) An underhand device resorted to in order to justify misconduct – 

  7. Manuscript (हस्तलिपि)  : A paper written by hand 

  8. Martyr (शहीद)  : A person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs  

  9. Masochist (स्वपीड़न कामुक) One who enjoys inflicting pain on himself 

  10. Matinee (तीसरे पहर के नाटक) A cinema show held in the afternoon 

  11. Maxim (कहावत) An established principle of practical wisdom 

  12. Mediate (मध्यस्थ) To try to settle a dispute between two other parties 

  13. Mediocre (औसत दर्जे का) One who is neither intelligent nor dull  

  14. Mercenary (किराये का सैनिक)  : One whose motive is merely to get money  

  15. Metallurgy (धातुकर्म) Art of working with metals  

  16. Meticulous ( अतिसावधान, कुशल, सूक्ष्म) One who is rather fastidious  

  17. Microscope (माइक्रोस्कोप) Instrument that magnifies objects 

  18. Mint (पुदीना) A place where money is coined  

  19. Misanthrope (मानवद्वेषी)  : One who hates mankind 

  20. Miser (कंजूस) A person who loves wealth and spends as little money as possible 

  21. Misogynist (स्री जाति से द्वेष करनेवाला)   : One who hates women 

  22. Modus Operandi ( कार्यप्रणाली, काम करने का ढंग) : A particular method of working 

  23. Momentary (क्षणिक) Lasting only for a moment 

  24. Momentous (सब से अहम)  : An occasion of great importance  

  25. Monarchy (साम्राज्य) Government by a king 

  26. Monopoly (एकाधिकार) Exclusive possession or control of anything  

  27. Monotheist (एकेश्वरवादी) A person worship only one God 

  28. Moor (दलदल ) : To secure a boat by attaching it to an anchor  

  29. Mores (आचारविचार) The essential or characteristic customs , habits and conventions of a society or community  

  30. Mortage (गिरवी) A legal agreement by which a person borrows money from a bank usually to buy a house  

  31. Mortuary (शवगृह)  : A room where dead are kept until burial 

  32. Mosaic : Design made by putting together coloured pieces of glass or stones 

  33. Mummy (पुराना परिरक्षित शव) : Body of a human being or animal embalmed for burial 

  34. Mutiny (गदर ) : Rebellion against lawful authority 

  35. Mythophobia  : Fear of telling lies 

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