Words Starting with H
Hallucination ( भ्रम ) : Seeing something which is not actually present
Hallucinogen : A drug which makes one see things that are not really there
Hamlet (छोटा गांव) : A small village or group of houses
Hanger : A building in which aircraft are housed
Harass (परेशान) : Trouble any annoy continually
Harbor (बंदरगाह) : A piece of shelter for ships
Hedonist (सुखवादी) : One who believes in that gaining pleasure is the most important thing in life
Herbivorous (शाकाहारी , तृणभक्षी) : Animal that feeds on plants
Heresy (विधर्म, मतान्तर) : Opinion contrary to accepted doctrine
Hijack( डाका डालना, अपहरण करना) : To seize control of a vehicle in order to force it to go to a new destination or demand something
Hinterland (आंतरिक इलाके) : Parts of a country behind the coast or a river bank
Histrionic (अभिनयसंबंधी, नाटक संबंधी ) : Very dramatic
Hoard (कोष, खजाना , ढेर) : To secretly store more than what is allowed
Homicide (मानव हत्या) : Murder of a man
Honorary (माननीय) : Conferred as an honor
Horizon (क्षितिज) : The line where the land and sky seems to meet
Horticulturist (बाग़बान) : One who studies the art of gardening
Hutch : A den for small animals
Hydrophobia (जलांतक, जल का डर) : Fear of water
Hypochondria (रोगभ्रम) : Excessive preoccupation with one’s health
Hypocrite (पाखंडी) : One who presend to be what he is not
Hypothesis (परिकल्पना) : Proposition made as a basis for reasoning without the assumption of its truth/ facts