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Words Starting with F
  1. Fable (कल्पित कहानी , दंत कथा)  : An animal story with moral 

  2. Facsimile (प्रतिकृति) An exact copy 

  3. Famine (सूखा) Widespread scarcity of food 

  4. Fanatic (कट्टर)  : One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views  

  5. Fantasy (कपोल कल्पित) Wild imagination 

  6. Fastidious (दुराराध्य)   : Not easily pleased by anything  

  7. Fatal (घातक)  : Causing or ending in death 

  8. Fatalism (भाग्यवाद) Submission to all that happens as inevitable 

  9. Fauna (पशुवर्ग) The animals of a particular region  

  10. Feasible (संभव) Something capable of being done 

  11. Feint (कपट, भुलावा) Pretended attack 

  12. Feminist (नारीवादी) One who believes in giving equal opportunity to women in all fields – 

  13. Feud (झगड़ा) Bitter quarrel between two families existing for a long period 

  14. Figment (मनगढ़ंत ) : Something which is imagined to be real but actually does not exist 

  15. Flicker (झिलमिलाहट ) : Shine with a bright but brief or irregular light 

  16. Flip side (उल्टी ओर) Unwelcome aspect of a situation  

  17. Flora ( वनस्पति)  The plant and vegetation of a region 

  18. Flounder (छटपटाना, तड़पना, फड़फड़ानाTo struggle helplessly 

  19. Fluke (संयोग से पड़नेवाली चोट) Accidental good fortune  

  20. Flux (प्रवाह, बहावA continuous process of change is known as 

  21. Foreman (पंचों का सरदार) Chief of a group of workmen 

  22. Forgery (जालसाजी) Falsification of documents etc. 

  23. Foundling (परित्यक्त शिशु ) : An abandoned child of unknown parents who is found by somebody  

  24. Fratricide ( भ्रातृहत्या : Murder of a brother 

  25. Fraud (धोखा) Act of deceiving somebody in order to make money 

  26. Fugitive (भगोड़ा) One who runs away from justice or the law 

  27. Funambulist (रस्सी पर चलनेवाला नट) One who can walk on ropes (tightrope walker) 

  28. Fungus (कुकुरमुत्ता) : Simple, fastspreading plant without flowers or leaves, which can often cause disease  

  29. Fusillade (गोलीकांड) The firing of many guns at the same time to mark an occasion 

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