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Words Starting with A
  1. Abattoir (कसाईखाना) : A place where animals are slaughtered  

  2. Abdicate (त्यागना)  : To renounce a high position of authority or control  

  3. Absurd (बेतुका)  : Wildly unreasonable, illogical or ridiculous  

  4. Accomplice (जुर्म में साथी)  : Partner in crime  

  5. Acquit (बरी करना)  : To free a person by a verdict of ‘not guilty’  

  6. Acrobat (नट)  : One who performs daring gymnastics feats  

  7. Acronym ( आदिवर्णिक शब्द)  : A word composed of the first letters of the words in a phrase  

  8. Act ( स्वांग करना)  : To play the part of and function as, some other person  

  9. Addict (व्यसनी)  : One who has become dependent on something or drugs  

  10. Adolescent (किशोर)  : No longer a child, but not yet an adult  

  11. Adonis (सुदर्शन पुरुष)  : A handsome man  

  12. Advocate (वकील)  : A person who supports or speaks in favour of something  

  13. Aesthetics (सौंदर्यशास्त्र)  : The branch of philosophy concerned with the study of principles of beauty, especially in art  

  14. Agenda (कार्यसूची)  : List of issues to be discussed at a meeting 

  15. Aggressive (आक्रामक)  : Always ready to attack or quarrel  

  16. Alienation (अलगाव की भावना)  : A state of emotional or intellectual separation  

  17. Alimony (निर्वाह व्यय)  : An allowance made to a wife by her husband, when they are legally separated  

  18. Alliteration (अनुप्रास)  : Commencement of adjacent words with the same letter  

  19. Altitude (ऊंचाई)  : The height of object above sea level  

  20. Altruism (परोपकारिता, पर्यायवाद)  : The philosophy of putting another’s welfare above one’s own  

  21. Altruist (परोपकारी )  : A person who devotes his/her life for the welfare of others 

  22. Alumnus (भूतपूर्व छात्र)  : A former student of a school, college or university  

  23. Amateur (शौक़ीन व्यक्ति)  : One who plays for pleasure rather than as a professional  

  24. Ambidextrous (उभयहस्त, सव्यसाची)  : Able to use right hand and left hand equally well 

  25. Ambiguous (अस्पष्ट)  : Capable of being understood in either of two or more possible senses, and therefore not definite 

  26. Amnesia (स्मृतिलोप, विस्मरण)  : Loss of memory 

  27. Amnesty (आम माफ़ी)  : A general pardon of offenders 

  28. Amoral (नीतिहीन,अनैतिक)  : One not concerned with right or wrong 

  29. Amphibian (उभयचर)   : One who lives both on land as well as in water 

  30. Amputee (अपंग)  : A person who has had one or more limbs removed  

  31. Anarchist (अराजकतावादी)  : One who is out to destroy the Government 

  32. Anarchy (अराजकता)  : The absence of law and order 

  33. Anecdote (उपाख्यान, लघुकथा)  : A short story based on your personal experience 

  34. Animosity (बैर)  : A strong dislike  

  35. Annihilate (संहार करना, अस्तित्व मिटाना)  : To destroy completely  

  36. Anniversary (सालगिरह)  : Yearly celebration of a date or an event 

  37. Anonymous (गुमनाम)  : A book written by an unknown 

  38. Antidote (विषहर औषधि)  : A medicine to nullify the effect of poison  

  39. Antipathy (घृणा, वैरभाव)  : Strong dislikes between two persons 

  40. Apartheid (रंगभेद)  : A policy that segregate people on the basis of race 

  41. Apathy (उदासीनता)  : Lack of feeling 

  42. Apiary (मधमक्खियों के पालने का स्थान)  : A place where bees are kept 

  43. Appraisal (मूल्यांकन, समीक्षा)  : Estimation of a thing’s worth 

  44. Apprentice (शिष्य, नौसिखिया, प्रशिक्षु)  : A person who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn the particular skills needed in their job 

  45. Aquarium (मछलीघर)  : A tank where fish or water plants are kept 

  46. Aquatic (जलीय)  : Animals which live in water  

  47. Arable (कृषि योग्य)  : A land fit for growing crops 

  48. Arbitrator (पंच)  : Someone who is designated to hear both sides of a dispute and make a judgement  

  49. Archaeology (पुरातत्त्व)  : The study of ancient civilization 

  50. Archive (पुरालेख, ऐतिहासिक अभिलेख)   : The place where public, government or historical records are kept 

  51. Arsonist (आगज़नी करने वाला)  : A person who deliberately sets fire to a building 

  52. Articulate (स्पष्ट, साफ़ बोलना)  : Fluent and clear in speech 

  53. Artist (कलाकार)  : One who practices one of fine arts 

  54. Ascetic (तपस्वी)  : Person leading a life of strict selfdiscipline  

  55. Assent (अनुमति)  : To agree to something 

  56. Assertive ( हठ धर्मी)  : The quality of being politely firm and demanding 

  57. Asylum ( शरणस्थान)  : Place that provide refuge  

  58. Atheist (नास्तिक)  : One who does not believe In the existence of God 

  59. Auditor (लेखा परीक्षक)  : One who makes an official examination of accounts 

  60. Auditorium (सभागार)  : A building where an audience sits 

  61. Autobiography (आत्मकथा)  : A record of one’s own life written by oneself  

  62. Autocracy (एकतंत्र, तानाशाही, निरंकुशता )  : Government by ruler who has unlimited power 

  63. Autopsy (शवपरीक्षा, चीरफाड़)  : Dissection of a dead body to find the cause of the death 

  64. Avaricious (लालची)  : A person extremely desirous of money  

  65. Aviary (पक्षीशाला)  : A place where birds are kept  

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