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Words Starting with T
  1. Tartar (चिड़चिड़ा मनुष्य) A rough, violent, troublesome person 

  2. Tautology (अपनी दोहराना, पुनरुक्ति ) : A statement in which you say the same thing twice in different words  

  3. Taxidermy ( चर्म प्रसाधन ) : The art of preserving skin of animals, birds and fish  

  4. Taxonomy (वर्गीकरण) Science regarding principles of classification 

  5. Teetotaller (पूर्णतया मद्यत्यागी )  : A person who never takes alcoholic drinks 

  6. Tempest (तूफ़ान) A violent storm  

  7. Temporary (अस्थायी) Lasting only for a short while  

  8. Testimonial (गुणों का वर्णपत्र) A written statement about someone’s character, usually provided by an employer  

  9. Theology (धर्मशास्र)  : Study of the nature of Gods 

  10. Totalitarianism (अधिनायकवाद) A system of Government in which only one political party is allowed to function  

  11. Toxic (विषैला ) : Something that is poisonous and unhealthy 

  12. Transgressor (पापी) One who breaks the law 

  13. Transitory (क्षणसाथी) That which lasts for a short time 

  14. Tremor (भूकंप के झटके) Shaking movement of the ground 

  15. Triennial (त्रैवार्षिक) The conference that takes place once in three year 

  16. Trilogy (त्रयी) A set of three related works by same author 

  17. Triumvirate (तिकड़ी) A group of three powerful people 

  18. Truant (अनुपस्थित रहना, बिन अनुमति लिये अनुपस्थित)  : A school boy who frequently cuts classes is a 

  19. Truism (स्वयं सिद्ध) : An obviously true or hackneyed statement  

  20. Tsunami (सुनामी) High sea waves caused by underwater earthquake 

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