Words Starting with R
Radiation (विकिरण) : Emission of light or heat from a central point
Rancid (बासी) : Having a stale smell or taste
Ransom (फिरौती) : Amount of money demanded by kidnappers
Recant (अपने को वंचित करना, मुकरना, त्यागना) : To take back, withdraw or renounce
Reciprocate (विनिमय करना, लेनादेना) : Give and receive mutually
Recluse (वैरागी, संन्यासी) : A person who withdraws from world to live in seclusion and often in solitude
Redtapism (लालफीताशाही) : A process involving too much official formalities
Referendum (जनमत संग्रह) : The practice of submitting a proposal to popular vote
Reflex (पलटा हुआ, प्रतिबिंब) : An involuntary action under a stimulus is described as a
Regicide (रा जहत्या) : The act of killing a king
Reminisced ( याद दिलाना, स्मरण करना) : Brought back to mind
Rendition (प्रतिपादन) : Artistic, musical or dramatic interpretation
Renegade (पाखण्डी, अपना पक्ष त्याग देना) : One who deserts his principle or believes
Renovate (अच्छी अवस्था में लाना) : Act of making things new like before
Repatriate (अपने देश को लौट आना) : Send or bring somebody back to his own country
Reprieve (दण्डविराम) : Providing relief
Respiration (श्वसन) : The process by which plants and animals breathe
Reveille (जागरण संकेत) : Military waking up signals in the morning
Revel (ऐश इशरत, धूमधाम की दावत) : Take great pleasure
Rhetoric (वक्रपटुता) : Meaningless language with an exaggerated style intended to impress
Rhinologist : A doctor who specializes in diseases of the nose
Richter : Scale used for measuring the strength of an earthquake
Rites (संस्कार) : Solemn religious acts
Rotunda ( गोलाकार भवन) : Circular building or hall with a dome