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Words Starting with P
  1. Pacifism (शांतिवाद) Belief that war and violence are unjustified 

  2. Pacifist (शांतिवादी)  : A person who believes in total abolition of war 

  3. Paediatrician (बच्चों का चिकित्सक) A doctor who treats children 

  4. Palindrome (विलोमपद) A word that reads the same as backward or forward  

  5. Palpable (स्पर्शनीय) : Thing that can be felt or touched 

  6. Panacea (रामबाण)    : A cure for all disease 

  7. Pandemonium (विप्लव, भारी गड़बड़ी) Wild and noisy disorder 

  8. Pantheism ( सवेर्श्वरवाद, देवपूजा) Belief that God is in everything and that everything is God 

  9. Pantry ( रसोई भंडार, कोठार) A small room in a big house, hotel, ship etc. where glasses, dishes, spoons food, etc. are kept 

  10. Parasite (परजीवी) One who lives/survives on others/other lives 

  11. Parboil (अधूरा पकाना) A method of boiling briefly to cook food slightly 

  12. Parole ( कारावकाश) Release of a prisoner form jail on certain terms and conditions  

  13. Parricide ( पितृहत्या) The murder of parents or near relative 

  14. Parvenu (नवधनाढ्य, नौबढ़) A person of obscure position who has gained wealth  

  15. Pathology (रोग लक्षण विद्या, विकृति विज्ञान) Science of diseases 

  16. Patrilineal (पितृवंशीय) Relating to kinship with the father  

  17. Patrimony (विरासत) Property inherited from one’s father or ancestors 

  18. Patriot (देशभक्त) : One who loves or supports his or her country and is willing to defend it  

  19. Pedant (रूढ़िवादी ) : Person who insists on adherence to formal rules or literary meaning  

  20. Pedantic (पंडिताऊ) A style in which a writer makes display of his knowledge  

  21. Pediatrics (बच्चों की दवा करने की विद्या) Branch of medicine concerned with children and their illness 

  22. Peninsula (प्रायद्वीप) Land covered by water on three sides  

  23. Pensive (चिंताग्रस्त) Deep in thought 

  24. Perpetual ( निरंतर, लगातार) Continuing for a long period of time without interruption 

  25. Perquisite ( विशेषाधिकार, सुविधा, रिआयत) An emolument over and above fixed salary 

  26. Perseverance (दृढ़ता)  : Constant efforts to achieve something 

  27. Pestle ( लोढ़ा, मूसल) Stick with a thick end used in mortar for pounding  

  28. Philanderer (प्रेमालाप करनेवाला, पुच्छलगा) A person who always run after women 

  29. Philanthropist (लोकोपकारक)  : A person who loves mankind 

  30. Philatelist ( डाक टिकट संग्रहकर्ता) A person who collects and/or studies stamps  

  31. Philosophy (दर्शन) Study of the interaction of people with their environment 

  32. Phobia (भय) Intense and unreasonable fear or dislike  

  33. Phonetics (स्वरविज्ञान) A study of sounds is known as 

  34. Physiotherapy ( भौतिक चिकित्सा) Treatment by means of exercise and massage 

  35. Pilferages (उठाईगिरी, चोरी ) : Act of stealing in small quantities  

  36. Pioneer (प्रथम अन्वेषक, अग्रदूत) One who does something for the first time 

  37. Plagiarism (साहित्यिक चोरी)  : Theft of another person’s writings or ideas and passing them off as one’s own  

  38. Plagiarist (साहित्यिक चोर)  : A person who steals the writing of others 

  39. Plaintiff (अभियोगी , वादी) Person who files a suit 

  40. Plantain (केला) A room or building for the preservation of plants 

  41. Plaque (धातु का सजा हुआ टुकड़ा) Flat metal or Porcelain plate fixed on a wall as an ornament or memorial 

  42. Plutocracy (धनिक तन्त्र) Government by wealthy 

  43. Podium (मंच) A speaker’s platform 

  44. Polyandry (बहुपतित्व)  : The practice of having more than one husband 

  45. Polygamist (बहुपत्नीवादी) A man who has more than one wife at a time 

  46. Polygamy (बहुविवाह) The practice of having many wives  

  47. Polyglot (बहुभाषी) One who knows many languages 

  48. Polygon (बहुभुज) A figure with many angles or sides 

  49. Polytheism (बहुदेववाद) Belief in many Gods 

  50. PostMortem (शवपरीक्षा, पोस्टमोर्टम) Operation of body after death  

  51. Posthumous (मरणोत्तर) A child born after the death of father 

  52. Posthumous child (मरणोपरांत बच्चे) A child born after the death of his father 

  53. Potable (पीने योग्य) That which can be drunk  

  54. Predator ( लूटमार करने वाला, दरिंदा) An animal which lives by preying on other animals 

  55. Prejudice (पक्षपात) To be biased against someone or something  

  56. Premiere (प्रथम प्रदर्शन) : The first public performance of musical or theatrical work or the first showing of a film  

  57. Prevaricate ( टालमटोल करना, झूठ बोलना, छलकपट) : Quibble (to avoid giving a direct answer to a question in order to hide the truth)  

  58. Prim (साफ़सुथरा, नियमनिष्ठ, औपचारिक ) : Showing a dislike of anything improper 

  59. Procrastination (विलंब, स्थगन , टालमटोल) The art of delaying 

  60. Profile (खाका, नक्षा, रूपरेखा) General view of person’s character 

  61. Prologue (प्रस्तावना) Introductory part or lines to a discourse or play 

  62. Prop ( लकड़ी से बना आधार, टेक) A pole or beam used as a temporary support 

  63. Propensity ( इच्छा, झुकाव) A special fondness or liking for 

  64. Proselyte ( धर्मांतरित व्यक्ति, फुसलाना) One who is converted from one religion to other 

  65. Protocol ( शिष्टाचार, मसविदा बनाना)  : Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence 

  66. Prototype ( नमूना, प्रतिकृति) The first model of a new device 

  67. Psephologist (चुनाव विश्लेषक) One who studies election trend by means of opinion polls 

  68. Psephology (चुनाव विश्लेषण) : The scientific study of elections 

  69. Pseudonym (उपनाम, झूठा नाम)  : To write under a different name 

  70. Psychology (मनोविज्ञान) Science of Human mind and behavior 

  71. Punter ( बाज़ी लगाने वाला ) : A person who gambles or bets  

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