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Words Starting with I
  1. Iconoclast (मूर्तिभंजक, मूर्ति तोड़ने वाला ) : One who criticizes popular beliefs which he thinks is mistaken or unwise  

  2. Idiosyncrasy (अनोखापन, पागलपन) A person’s peculiar habit 

  3. Idolatry (मूर्ति पूजा) The worship of idols or images 

  4. Illegible (अस्पष्ट, अपठनीय)   : That which cannot be easily read  

  5. Illiterate (निरक्षर) A man who does not know how to read or write 

  6. Imaginary (काल्पनिक) Existing only in the mind 

  7. Immigrant (आप्रवासी ) : A person coming to a foreign land to settle there  

  8. Implacable (संगदिल) Someone who is incapable of being quietened or pacified 

  9. Implicate (फंसाना) To confirm with the help of evidence 

  10. Imposter (ढोंगी)  : A person who pretends to be what he is not 

  11. Improvident (उड़ाऊ) One who is too careless to plan for the future 

  12. Impunity (दण्ड मुक्ति) Without risk of punishment 

  13. Inaccessible (दुर्गम)  : Incapable of being approached  

  14. Inaudible (अश्राव्य)  : A voice that cannot be heard 

  15. Incentive (प्रोत्साहन) Motive or incitement to action 

  16. Incomprehensible (समझ से बाहर) Something that is difficult to understand  

  17. Incorrigible (असंशोधनीय)   : One who cannot be corrected 

  18. Incredible (अतुल्य)   : Something which cannot be believed 

  19. Indefatigable (अथक) Incapable of being tired 

  20. Indelible (अमिट) That which cannot be effaced 

  21. Indignant (क्रोधित) Feeling annoyed at the sight of unfair treatment  

  22. Inedible (अखाद्य) Not suitable for eating 

  23. Ineffable (अकहा) Impossible to describe  

  24. Ineligible (अनुचित) Someone not fit to be chosen 

  25. Ineptness (मूर्खता) Lack of skills 

  26. Inevitable (अपरिहार्य)  : That which cannot be avoided 

  27. Infallible (अचूक)   : A method which never fails 

  28. Infanticide (शिशु हत्या) Killing of a child 

  29. Inflammatory (भड़काऊ) Action that is likely to make people very angry 

  30. Inflorescence (फूलना, उन्नति) A cluster of flowers on a branch  

  31. Inheritance (विरासत) Property handled down after the death of a person 

  32. Inscribe(लिखना, उत्कीर्ण करना) Write or carve words on stone or paper  

  33. Insolvent (दिवालिया)  : A person who has no money to pay off his debts 

  34. Insomnia (अनिद्रा)  : Inability to sleep 

  35. Interlude (अन्तराल, मध्यांतर) Interval between two events 

  36. Intermediary (मध्यस्थ) : One who intervenes between two or more parties to settle differences  

  37. Interment (दफ़न) The burial of corpse  

  38. Internment (नजरबंदी) Detaining and confining something 

  39. Intestate (बिना वसीयतनामा के मारा हुआ, निर्वसीयत)  : To die without having made a will 

  40. Introspect (आत्मनिरीक्षण) The action of looking within or into one’s own mind 

  41. Intruder (घुसेड़नेवाला) A person who enters without any invitation 

  42. Invertebrates (अकशेरुकी) Animals without backbone 

  43. Investigation (जाँच पड़ताल) Careful or thorough enquiry 

  44. Invincible (अजेय) That which cannot be defeated 

  45. Invocation (मंगलाचरण ) : Call upon God or any other power (like law) for help or protection 

  46. Irrevocable (स्थिर) That which cannot be called back  

  47. Irrigate (सींचना ) : To supply land with water by artificial means  

  48. Isthmus (स्थलडमरूमध्य) A narrow stretch of land connecting two large bodies of land 

  49. Itinerant ( भ्रमणकारी, चलनेवाला) One who journeys from place to place  

  50. Itinerary (यात्रा कार्यक्रम)   : Detailed plan of a journey 

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