Words Starting with G
Gallant (वीर) : A brave, noble minded or chivalrous man
Gastronomy (पौष्टिक भोजन बनाने की कला या विज्ञान पाक कला) : The practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food
General (जनरल) : Chief or Commander of army
Genetics ( आनुवंशिकी) : Science of heredity
Genocide (नरसंहार) : The killing of whole group of people
Geriatrics (जराचिकित्सा) : The branch of medical science which deals with the problems of the old
Gesture (इशारा) : Motion of heads, hands etc., as a mode of expression indicating attitude
Ghastly (भयंकर, डरावना) : In a threatening manner
Gingivitis (मसूड़े की सूजन) : Inflammation of gums
Glance at (दृष्टया) : Pay attention
Glazier (कांच का काम करनेवाला) : A person who repairs broken windowglasses
Glossary (शब्दकोष) : A list of explanations of rare, technical or obsolete words
Glower (त िरछी निगाह से देखना ) : To look at someone in an angry or threatening way
Glutton (खाऊ) : One who eats too much
Gnaw (दांत से काटना) : To bite like a rat
Gregarious (झुण्ड में रहनेवाला) : Animals who live in herds
Gullible (आसानी से धोखा खानेवाला) : Easily duped or fooled